Clothing & Equipment
~ Clothing ~
Any comfortable unrestrictive clothing will work. Layers are good as you may warm up during the class and cool down again at the end.
You will be bending, twisting and will possibly be upside down during your yoga session, so wear clothing that won't expose more of your body than you are comfortable with.
Bare feet are best during the class, although, if your feet feel the cold, you might want a pair of socks handy for savasana (relaxation) at the end.
~ Equipment ~
You will need to bring a yoga mat. (I will have spares at class if you need one).
I provide yoga blocks, blankets & eye pillows for your use, though of course you're welcome to bring your own.
The lovely cosy blankets from Kashmir that I use in the class are also available for sale if you would like to buy one. Please ask me at class.