Hi there, my name is Simon Spirit Spoor and I’m a qualified Yoga teacher with over 20 years experience of daily practice.
I completed my '200hr Yoga Teacher Training' in India with Parimukti Yoga School in 2015.
I qualified as a 'Children's Yoga Instructor' with Louisa Craig of LKY, Scotland in 2016.
I completed a 7 day intensive course 'Yoga for Children with Special Needs' with Special Yoga Foundation in 2017.
I’ve been practicing meditation for over 35 years, having been first introduced to it at 10 years old.
I also work as a Shamanic Dancer / Dancefloor Energy Worker both from stage and within the dancefloor. I also run workshops in this ancient, yet newly emergent, dynamic healing modality.
I’ve studied various healing modalities in the UK, India, Costa Rica and California. These have included; Energy Healing, Tantra, Kundalini Dance, Shamanic Dance, Heart Intelligence and Holographic Repatterning. Throughout my life I've dedicated myself to inquiry and exploration of both the inner and outer world.
I’ve journeyed to over 35 countries and explored many spiritual belief systems including; Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Tantra, Shamanism, Sufism & Islam. I’m rooted in the truth that shines through all of these spiritual world views. While I also see the same truth shine through & inspire the sciences of; Quantum Physics, Psychology, Biology, Epigenetics, Chiropractic Philosophy and Yoga.
I have trained with and work with The Mankind Project - an international men's group that supports men to find alignment to their true calling and to act with integrity, authenticity & compassion.
My main teacher is Mother Nature and as a qualified Ranger, I have worked in the mountains of Scotland, the forests of Denmark & deep in the Costa Rican jungles. I’ve traveled in Europe, Asia, Middle East, Africa and the Americas to primarily experience the flora & fauna of these diverse places and journey in their sacred sites and landscapes.
My main spiritual guides, gurus and teachers on the human plane are: Osho, Nisargadatta, Eckhart Tolle, Rumi & Hafiz. While on the mythological plane the White-Tailed Eagle, Raven, Tiger and Snake all help guide me to deeper truth within.